notes > Commands cheatsheet > 90%

Commands cheatsheet

A list of all bot commands and what they do.


Use this, followed by a description for your page, to craete an About section for your Stream.

Example usage: /about This is a really cool stream, trust me.


Sometimes, you might delete a Telegram message without first using the /delete command to remove the associated Drop from your Stream. This is when you need to use /clean, followed by the ID of the Drop (which you can get using the /mydrops command), to accomplish what /delete would.

Example usage: /clean 53901890342400359


Reply to a message with this command to remove it from your Stream. You can delete the message itself, but only after you’ve done this.


Returns a link to your theme editor, the page that lets you customise your Stream’s style using CSS.


Returns the URL at which your ready-to-export Markdown data is available.


Returns a list of frequent user queries, and their answers.


Will display information about the Streams project, and basic usage instructions.


Returns the three word keyphrase that acts as authentication for private Streams, exports, and the theme-editor.


Follow this command with the name of a layout to set a new layout for your Stream.

Example usage: /layout feed


Provides you with a list of layout names you can choose from.


Returns a list of your last ten Drops, with their associated IDs, usually used with the /clean command.


Use this command if you want to change your keyphrase. Useful in cases where you feel like the security your keyphrase has been compromised. If you’ve only forgotten your keyphrase, use the /keyphrase command instead.


Followed by your new username to chage the url location of your stream. Valid usernames need to be lower-case letters, and must not already be in use by another Stream.

Example usage: /newusername joodaloop


Reply to a Drop with this command to hide it from your public Stream. It will now only be available on your private Stream (your-url/username/keyphrase). Use /unprotect to bring it back to the public one.


Reply to the Telegram message associated with a deleted Drop to change it’s status to undeleted.


Returns a link to your Stream’s RSS feed.


When you create your Stream, your username is used as the title for the Stream’s page. Use this command to set your own title.

Example usage: /title My Cool Stream


Follow this command with the name of a theme to set a new theme for your Stream.

Example usage: /theme notebook


Provides you with a list of themes you can choose from.


Reply to a drop with /unprotect to change it’s privacy status back to public and have it show up on your public Stream again.


Returns the URL that your stream is currently located at.