notes > The API > 90%


Learn how to use the simple REST endpoints to fetch Drops to display on your own front-end, or post a new Drop from outside of Telegram.


The GET endpoint requires no authentication and is available directly at the username/json route. It only returns a list of your public Drops, private ones stay protected.

For POST requests, your keyphrase is required to be added to the header of your request as an authentication method.

GET route (username/json)

Returns an array of all the user’s public Drops. Each element of the array corresponds to one Drop and has the following properties

timestampUNIX-style timestamp for when the Drop was created1681908281288
idA (shortened) UUID number for a DropMjZlNTgxMjAt
htmlHTML representation of the Drop’s contents, as rendered by the bot"<p>If you can see this message, it means that the POST endpoint works…</p>\n"
textThe raw text that the bot recieved from Telegram"If you can see this message, it means that the POST endpoint works..."
last_editUNIX-style timestamp for when the Drop was last edited1680172933000
mediaAn array of objects representing media associated with a drop[] (empty because no media)

There are three types of media objects that the media array might contain:

I. photo


II. animation

    "type": "animation",
    "file_name": "mygif.gif",
    "file_id": "AgACAgUAAxkIOWHgngQsxhNo_nDpiRUc5Yp109yt284twnkwshVaSsb-2Mkd7sgsrgADeQADLwQ",
    "urlToFile": ""

III. audio

    "type": "audio",
    "file_name": "mysong.mp3",
    "performer": "Judah",
    "title": "My Song",
    "file_id": "AxkIOWHgngQsxhNo_nDpiRUc5Yp109yt284twnkwshVa-eQADLwsrht23tgs",
    "urlToFile": ""

Example payload

To bring it all together, here’s an example response from a Stream that contains three Drops, one of which has a photo attached.

		 "timestamp": "1681908281288",
		 "id": "MjZlNTgxMjAt", 
		 "html": "",
		 "text": "",
		 "last_edit": "",
		 "media": []

		 "timestamp": "1681908220941",
		 "id": "192jWiE9jneX", 
		 "html": "",
		 "text": "",
		 "last_edit": "",
		 "media": []

		 "timestamp": "1681901303130",
		 "id": "I093IE139jrn", 
		 "html": "",
		 "text": "",
		 "last_edit": "",
		 "media": [

You can use the JSON to render your Stream to your own site, or create your own copy of your data.

POST route (username/api/post)

Note: This endpoint has a rate-limit of 20 posts per minute.

Accepts a text string to store as a new Drop. The text for the new Drop should be added to a message entry in the request body.

You need to add keyphrase field to your headers object with your keyphrase as the value, in order to authenticate your request.

Example POST request:

    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
        // This is the text of your post, markdown formatting is optional, of course. 
        message: `## This is a markdown formatted message.
        It's pretty **cool** to be able to do this, no?`,
        // This informs the bot that it should render this text as Markdown. (default: true)
        process_as_markdown: true,
        // This informs the bot to store this Drop as a private one. (default: false)
        protected: false

    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        // Add your own keyphrase instead of 'your-great-code'
        "keyphrase": "your-great-code"

    }).then((response) => {
        if (response.ok) {
            return response.json();
        throw new Error('Something went wrong');

    }).then((responseJson) => {
        // responseJson = {success: true} if the request worked

    }).catch((error) => {


If process_as_markdown is set to true, the bot processes any markdown characters in the text to HTML.

If protected is set to true, the Drop will be saved as a private Drop.

Success tatus

If the request was successful, you should recieve a JSON payload with the success value set to true. If not, a value of false will return instead, along with a message value that informs you why the request failed.

Below are the error messages you might see, and explanations for what caused them:

I. Username is not being used by any existing users.

	"success": false, 
	"message": "Incorrect username. That user does not exist."

Please ensure that you are using the correct username (the sub-URL your Stream is located at). Example: if my Stream is located at, my username is judah.

You can change your username with the /newusername command.

II. Keyprase did not match [username]’s keyphrase.

	"success": false, 
	"message": "Incorrect keyphrase. Go away."

Please make sure your keyphrase is correct, use the /keyphrase command to check your current keyphrase.

III. Something broke on the server.

	"success": false, 
	"message": "ERROR 500: Something went wrong."

If you aren’t trying something evil, this is probably my fault. Try again, and let me know if the error persists.